
Extension Publications

Ranabhat, N. B. and Windham, A. 2023. Powdery mildews of ornamentals. Extension publication, University of Tennessee, Agriculture Extension Service. W1219

Ranabhat, N. B. 2024. Entomosporium leaf spot. Extension publication, University of Tennessee, Agriculture Extension Service.

Selected Research Publications

Ranabhat, N. B. Bruce, M. A., Fellers, J. P., Rupp, J. L. 2023. Brome mosaic virus detected in Kansas wheat co-infected with other common wheat viruses. Frontier in Plant Science. 14: 10.3389. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1096249

Ranabhat, N. B. Bruce, M. A., Fellers, J. P., Rupp, J. L. 2022. A Reproducible methodology for absolute viral quantification and viability determination in mechanical inoculation of Wheat streak mosaic virus. Tropical plant pathology, 47: 553-561

Ranabhat, N. B., Seipel, T., Erik A. Lehnhoff, E. A., Miller, Z. J., Menalled, F. D., and Burrows, M. E. 2018. Temperature and alternative hosts influence Aceria tosichella infestation and Wheat streak mosaic virus infection, Plant disease, 102: 546-551. *Plant disease editor’s pick, 2018

Ranabhat, N. B., Goleva, I., and Zebitz, C. P. 2014. Life tables of Neoseiulus cucumeris exclusively fed with seven different pollens. Biocontrol, 59: 195-203

Goleva, I., Cadena, E. C. R., Ranabhat, N. B. Beckereit, C., and Zebitz, C. P. W. 2015. “Dietary effects on body weight and fat body of predatory mites (Acari, Phytoseiidae)” Experimental and Applied Acarology, 66: 541-553

Technical Reports

Ranabhat, N. B. Bruce, M. A., Davis, M. A., Fritz, A. K., Zhang, G., Rupp, J. L. 2021. Reaction of selected Kansas winter wheat cultivars to Barley yellow dwarf, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports. 15:CF094

Ranabhat, N. B. Bruce, M. A., Guttieri, M. A., Fritz, Rupp, J. L. 2021. Reaction of selected Kansas winter wheat accessions to naturally infected Wheat streak mosaic virus, 2020. Plant Disease Management Report. 15:CF093

Ranabhat, N. B. Bruce, M. A., Davis, M. A., Fritz, A. K., Zhang, G., Rupp, J. L. 2020. Reaction of selected Kansas winter wheat cultivars to Barley yellow dwarf, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports. 14:CF088

Ranabhat, N. B. Bruce, M. A., Davis, M. A., Fritz, A. K., Wegulo, S., Baenziger, P. S., Rupp, J. L. 2020. Reaction of selected Kansas and Nebraska winter wheat accessions to Fusarium head blight, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports. 14:CF091